Donate items
5 gallon water jugs
Paper Towels
Toilet Paper
Dish Soap
Dryer sheets
Kitchen trash bags
Cleaning supplies (bleach, toilet bowl Cleaner, surface spray, antibacterial wipes)
Light bulbs
Hot meal for Tuesday House meeting
Welcome mats
6-10 folding chairs (preferably padded)
3" wood screws
Ziplock baggies
Twin box springs
Workout Equipment for garage (weights, bars, benches, etc)
Indoor primer & paint
DVD movies
2x4's or 2x6 lumber for loft beds
Gas Cards
Grocery Gift cards
Vehicles that run
Help with auto repair for dudes vehicles
Storeage Tubs with Lid
Or shop from our Amazon Wishlist!

Make a donation
One time
Comment (optional)
Cash or Check
Please make checks payable to Beggarman Ministries and mail them to:
P.O. Box 34 Andover, KS 67002
Automatic Bank Draft
Please email Laurie Blaha to set this up.